Government Action Threatening the Livelihoods of Nurses

Government threats

Over the past few months, there has been a significant amount of movement by State Governments who have proposed changes to the cosmetic industry and the role of Cosmetic Nurses. We have seen Federal and State Governments and the Nursing and Midwifery Board releasing either fact sheets, guidelines, or proposed changes to legislation around only […]

Advocating for Cosmetic Nurses

Melissa and Nicole

On Monday, 3 May, on behalf of the Cosmetic Nurses Association, Melissa and Nicole travelled to Hobart to speak at the Tasmanian Department of Health’s Forum on Cosmetic Injectables.  The forum was in response to a confusing fact sheet that was circulated last year that caused cosmetic injectors in Tasmania to be unclear whether they could […]

Why You Should Relax About Getting Injectable Cosmetic Treatments

Why you should relax about anti-wrinkle injections

There are many misconceptions about injectable cosmetic treatments, and we’re here to put them to rest. Here are some common reasons you can relax about injectable cosmetic treatments. Everyone is using cosmetic injections. Even just a few short years ago, cosmetic injections seemed to have an air of taboo about them. Things have certainly changed, […]

How Long Will The Effects of My Dermal Fillers Last?

Dermal fillers longevity

When we take action to combat the signs of ageing, injectable cosmetic treatments are an ideal choice for their long-lasting results. One of the most common questions our Juv’ae Cosmetic Nurses get asked about our dermal fillers is how long the benefits will be visible. Ultimately this depends on the placement of the dermal filler […]