On Monday, 3 May, on behalf of the Cosmetic Nurses Association, Melissa and Nicole travelled to Hobart to speak at the Tasmanian Department of Health’s Forum on Cosmetic Injectables.  The forum was in response to a confusing fact sheet that was circulated last year that caused cosmetic injectors in Tasmania to be unclear whether they could continue to operate using Skype consultations with doctors who were not on site.  The storage of Schedule 4 Medications was also being called into question.
Melissa and Nicole were able to turn the hostile discussion around and educate the officials about the Juv’ae policies and procedures that ensure safe practices are happening within our organisation.
We are awaiting the next steps from the Tasmanian Government.
Melissa has also been managing the development of a letter in response to the NSW Government’s sub-classing of Schedule 4 Medications used for cosmetic purposes.  This letter is expected to be finalised this week and sent to the NSW Ministry of Health.
The CNA membership continues to grow slowly.  By representing nurses in front of State Governments at critical times such as this, we hope more nurses will see the value of becoming a member.
To sign up, or find out more about the Cosmetic Nurses Association visit: https://www.cosmeticnursesassociation.org.au/