How Long Will The Effects of My Dermal Fillers Last?

Dermal fillers longevity

When we take action to combat the signs of ageing, injectable cosmetic treatments are an ideal choice for their long-lasting results. One of the most common questions our Juv’ae Cosmetic Nurses get asked about our dermal fillers is how long the benefits will be visible. Ultimately this depends on the placement of the dermal filler […]

Wrinkle Treatment Failure? What You Can Do to Fix It

Anti-wrinkle injections are a booming industry, and for many people, the outcomes have been fantastic. For those not keen to go under the knife, injectable cosmetic treatments may be a great alternative as they are highly effective in smoothing lines and improving your overall look, however, they are quite different from a facelift and they do […]

Things you should never do when cleaning your kitchen

Cleaning your kitchen regularly is an important task for any home. Not only does it help keep surfaces and appliances free from dirt, grease and bacteria, but it also helps to make the space more inviting so that you can enjoy cooking and entertaining in a pleasant environment. Here are some things you should never […]

How do you file bankruptcy if you have debt?

When you are in debt, it can feel like you are drowning. You may feel like there is no way out, and that you will never be able to pay off your debts. This is a scary place to be, but don’t worry, you are not alone! In this blog post, we will discuss how […]